Goodbye HacktoberFest2019

With the sweater weather in full effect and houses decorated with Halloween decorations. October is coming to an end, so is HacktoberFest2019. It felt like yesterday when my first pull request was merged. Then came numbers two and three. Finally, my fourth Pull request has been merged.

Before participating in HacktoberFest I set 2 personal goals for my self.

1. To learn about Git
2. To  get comfortable with open source

I am excited to announce with my 4 contributions, I have achieved the two above goals.

Now let's get into the details of my 4th contribution:

I found a web application in its early stages that returns all the shades of colour the user inputs. This project is still in its early stages.

Application in Dark-mode

Project: the_shade_generator

The issue: Add Dark Mode

The pull request: Added Dark Mode to App

The maintainer wanted to add Dark Mode to the application for better viewing when users want to see contrast for brighter generated shades. Also, a switch or toggle that changes to dark mode and back to normal.

To solve this issue I used the Darkmode.js library that uses the CSS mix-blend-mode in order to bring Drak-mode to any website. I used the Dark-mode CDN and inserted it into script tags in index.html.
I also added a show widget function for the switch. For maintainer customization of the dark mode settings, I added attributes and default values for quick changes.

The maintainer was happy with the result and merged my contribution.


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